Most of us have an alter-ego waiting to burst out, and now it can - on the internet, in virtual worlds that are springing up to suit every need and desire. Ian Douglas explores a universe of online possibilities
I couldn't wrap my nephew's birthday present last year. There was no box or batteries to be included because what I'd bought him was the ability to go online, pretend to be a penguin and talk to his friends.
A year's membership to Club Penguin, the icy virtual world for children aged six to 14, is less and less of an unusual gift. There are more than 700,000 members, all of whom pay from $60 (£29) a year.
For their money they get games, clubs, the possibility of earning "coins" through competitions and work, which can be traded in for objects in the game
Chat is heavily moderated. Parents can choose whether their little penguins can pick a phrase from a pre-approved list or type their messages. Typed chat is scanned phonetically to stop any chance of profanity or sexual language sneaking through, and thoroughly vetted moderators monitor conversations.
What stops Club Penguin from being just a game and elevates it to the level of being a virtual world is that members can live parallel online lives, constructing an identity that lives inside the network and interacts with other people, forming relationships.
Sometimes there are games to play and rules to follow, but primarily the waddling citizens are there just to exist in this new kind of place, of which there are many. Club Penguin is the biggest for young children, but teenagers and young adults have no shortage of choice.
Social networking, the web phenomenon that has given rise to MySpace and Facebook has two faces. There is the web version, based on profiles and messaging, and the 3D version, which gives its participants a visual representation of social spaces in which they can chat and interact in the manner of a computer game but not necessarily engaging in rule-based game behaviour.
The most popular still have some kind of game element. World of Warcraft, a Tolkienesque place where more than 8?million paying subscribers become orcs, elves and wizards and rampage through a countryside filled with boars, is the most popular in Europe and America, while Japan, China and Korea are filled with teenage boys playing Westward Journey, based on Chinese classical literature. There are 56 million registered players of the game.
An earlier game, Everquest, was one of the first to see people treating online game space in some respects as though it were real. Surprised adventurers would rush into a clearing in a forest ready for battle only to find groups of friends dawdling, chatting and selling things to other players. No matter how exciting a game may be, sharing a joke with friends will always be more fun, so Everquest moved from being a game with an online element to being a youth club with swords.
"Massively multiplayer online role-playing games", then, apart from having one of the most unwieldy acronyms around (Mmorpgs, pronounced muh-morpugs) are big business, but of little interest to anyone but established computer-game fans. There are, however, other creative online spaces for older people away from the video-gamers. Some are based around existing communities in the offline world, and some are entirely new. The biggest of these is Second Life. There are more than 10 million user accounts registered with Linden Lab, the company behind the project. Originally based on Neal Stephenson's rather poor 1992 novel Snow Crash, Second Life has no game elements built-in, no roaming artificial characters and no pre-existing landscape. Everything you see, touch, buy and move through has been created by your fellow inhabitants.
The currency of Second Life, the Linden Dollar, is freely exchangeable for real money (at a rate of about L$250 to US$1), which has given rise to a thriving economy based mostly on property development, small-scale manufacturing and craft, gambling and prostitution. Yes that's right, prostitution, right here in Linden City. The lonelier members of Second Life are fond of animating their avatars (the name for your in-world presence) to look like they're having sex, which is either a sad indictment of a base society or an admirably ingenious use of a new technology to satisfy the deep human need for affection. The choice is up to you.
Apart from pretend sex, there is a lot to do in Second Life. There are classes and lectures to attend at universities, including Yale and Harvard, news coverage and discussion from Reuters, design and architecture experiments, films (both showing and shooting), art galleries and a shape-matching game called Tringo that was developed specifically for virtual world play. Big-name companies are using the space to promote products. Toyota, Adidas, General Motors and Sony BMG all preview their latest offerings there, and IBM has commandeered a huge space - largely cut off from the outside world - for internal communication.
More than any other virtual world, Second Life feels like a digital version of reality, albeit one in which everyone is thin, tall and beautiful, can fly and is able to teleport wherever they choose.
There.com and Entropia Universe also cater for people who want a free-roaming style but don't like Second Life, and the idea of a 3D environment is catching on for other applications, such as Sony PlayStation Home, an online shop that deals in content for the PlayStation 3.
Talk of a future internet that uses a spatial metaphor in place of the current web's document-driven interface is gaining ground and the line between video games and everyday computer functions is blurring. Your online life looks set to take on a new dimension.
Top 5 virtual worlds
Second Life (www.secondlife.com)
Club Penguin (www.clubpenguin.com)
There.com (www.there.com)
Habbo Hotel (www.habbo.co.uk)
Entropia Universe (www.entropiauniverse.com)
SOURCE: telegraph.co.uk
It's a brave soul who refers to Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash as a "rather poor" novel, given the popular and critical acclaim it has received for the last 15 years. ;-)
Still, the article's interesting for what it's worth... yet it does seem to have arrived a little late on "SL" the bandwagon. For quite some time now, people have been realising that the virtual world has fallen well short of its potential, and is essentially a ghost town.
You'd have seen it earlier if you'd read it on the Telegraph's site, which it was written for, rather than this blatant theft of copyrighted material. There isn't even a link on here. Despicable.
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